Friday, 13 June 2014

Suite Pee - System of a Down
System of a Down

Suite Pee, apabila diterjemahkan secara bebas Suite: sederetan/rangkaian dan Pee: kencing, adalah salah satu lagu dari album pertama System of a Down.

Lagu ini memang sangat kontroversial, karena berbau SARA. Secara keseluruhan, lirik lagu ini seolah-olah berbicara tentang "'filosofi Yesus".
Kalau kita perhatikan, dalam lirik di awal lagu "I had an out of body experience, the other day, her name was Jesus" dimana bagian tersebut Yesus di diposisikan sebagai "wanita". Saya sendiri kurang tahu pasti interprentasi dalam penggalan lirik tersebut. Tapi saya yakin System of a Down benar-benar bukan anti agama tertentu.

Kalau kalian lihat video live System of a Down tanggal 2 Oktober 2011 dalam event Rock in Rio (Brasil), dalam lagu "Suite Pee" ini, Daron Malakian sempat melaungkan takbir (Allahu Akbar) dengan lafazh arabic yang begitu fasih (Lihat tautan dibawah). Dalam moment tersebut, nampak Serj Tankian berpaling sebentar sekedar melihat aksi mengejutkan dari Daron Malakian, lalu kemudian kembali fokus beryanyi.

Adakah kaitan antara laungan ‘Allahu akbar’ dengan lagu "Suite Pee?"
Apakah Daron Malakian memang seorang Muslim?
Atau justru ini merupakan sebuah penghinaan?


Suite Pee - System of a Down
I had an out of body experience, the other day, her name was Jesus, and for her everyone cried, everyone cried, everyone cried.
Try her philosophy,
try her philosophy,
try her philosophy, try.
You die for her philosophy,
die for her philosophy,
Then her philosophy dies.
Crossed and terrored ravages of architecture, lend me thy blades,
We're crossed and terrored ravages of architecture, hoist around the spade.
Try her philosophy,
try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try.
You die for her philosophy, die for her philosophy, Then her philosphy dies.
Lie naked on the floor and let the messiah go through our souls.
Lie naked on the floor and let the messiah go all through our souls.
DIE! Like a mother fucker,
DIE! Like a mother fucker,
DIE! Like a mother fucker,
WHY!? Like a Mother fucker,
I want to fuck my way to the garden,
cause everyone, needs, a mother, FUCKER!
The following of a christ,
The following of a christ,
The following of a christ,
The following of a christ,
The falling of christ,
The falling of christ,
The falling of Christ,
The falling of Christ.

facebook: KMRMI

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